Parsing to the Source: From Form to Light, From Known to Knowing, From Substance to Void
PaperPortions of Arthur M. Young's Theory of Process and G. Spencer-Brown's Laws of Form (LoF) are presented as deep (ultimate) ontic and epistemic ways, respectively, to parse the Universe and our experience into parts of wholes: both systems include the observer/experiencer/agent as an integral part of the Universe, with a partial unity of knower and known.
In Young's theory, the Universe is generated by dividing Wholeness: into three, creating substance; and into four, creating form; and their combination, giving the formed substance of molecular matter. (Then from matter, Life acquires powers, in stages.) Reversing the sequence of generation gives an ontic parsing into Wholeness and its divisions.
Spencer-Brown's neoPlatonic ontology has radiant Being at its ontic center, with existence at its periphery (or surface), and has at its epistemic center a knowing being. The epistemology of LoF deconstructs our knowledge of existence to successively-more-central fields: of truth, then of indications, then of The Form of some first distinction, and finally to a Void which can include a knowing being. This deconstruction has an analogy in 'retracting ones psychological projection', resulting in liberating self-realization.
Ever since graduating from Univ.California Santa Cruz '72 with A.B. Chemistry, Jack has been working on the integration of math, science, and consciousness (inner experience, including the spiritual), seeking a deeper connection of these principles. He quickly discovered G. Spencer-Brown's
Laws of Form, and then Arthur M. Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter and creator of his 'Theory of Process') and his Institute for the Study of Consciousness ("ISC"), becoming one the inner circle of Young's disciples. Jack had written Spencer-Brown regarding applying LoF to numbers, and when he came to Stanford Univ. in 1977 and lectured on his 4color-theorem work, he brought Jack his 1961 manuscript on LoF-numbers. Jack, a practitioner of Transcendental Mediation since '73, attended Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's TM university in Fairfield IA in order to do a masters thesis in mathematics—in the context of consciousness, on LoF.numbers, receiving M.S. in '94.
Young died in '95, and Jack has been carrying on ISC as its president. Jack has published a number of papers, mostly involving Young's or Spencer-Brown's work.